; Fun! Fun! Vancouver!: A Case for the Existence of good theatre in Vancouver

Monday 20 May 2024

A Case for the Existence of good theatre in Vancouver

At 80 minutes with no intermission, is a wonderful production happening right now at the Pacific Theatre. "A Case for the Existence of God" is a two-hander performance, previously shown on Broadway and now how lucky are we to have the chance to see it here in Vancouver? 

 Keith a mortgage broker and Ryan is a down on his luck guy looking for a break. The two are single fathers, one a White heterosexual recently left by the mother of his child, and the other a Queer Black man who is trying to adopt the child he has been fostering. 

Actors Kwesi Ameyaw and Rob Salvador are spellbinding in this as we witness their interactions, whether it's rediscovering past trauma, revealing secrets, or a night of drunkenness. The two are just hypnotic and the audience is on the edge of their seats waiting to see what will happen next. 

 A Case for the Existence of God is on now at the Pacific Theatre until June 9!

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