; Fun! Fun! Vancouver!: Nothing Like a Dame

Sunday 20 January 2019

Nothing Like a Dame

I was quite excited to see this film for some reason. I like Judi Dench and Maggie Smith and had no idea who the other two were, but it seemed deliciously catty and gossipy so I thought Yes I want to go see this!

However, the moment the film started, I thought to myself, "I think I've made a huge mistake."

It's not that the film was bad. I did find out some interesting information. There's some stuff in there about Laurence Olivier that seemed a bit questionable to me. But mostly, it was just watching these four actresses chat with one another. It just wasn't as interesting as I had hyped it up to be in my mind.

However, Nothing Like a Dame has been selling out at the Vancity Theatre and they've added extra screenings, so that shows you how much I know!

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