Monday 16 November 2015


It's been a somber weekend with the state of the world. The constant drizzle that is encompassing Vancouver is not helping things. Perhaps in times like this, what one needs to do is head to the Vancity VIFF Theatre on Seymour Street and escape into a brilliant film or two.

I did exactly that last night, and took in the documentary MAVIS! about gospel/R&B singer Mavis Staples. In true art fashion, this film lifted me up, brought me out of my emotional state and into a new one - a state of hope and light. Isn't that what art is all about, in all its many different forms? To transform the human experience? To affect?

I had known who Mavis Staples was by name only. I couldn't have named a song nor told you anything about her life. After this documentary though, I consider myself a lot more informed about her work and her as a person. It contains tremendous footage of her and her family singing at a folk festival in the 60s! That alone astounded me. Not only did I consider that rare but the quality was also above par. There were loads more footage too where that came from.

Mavis! is on tonight at the Vancity theatre at 6:30pm and again on November 19th at 1pm & 9pm.

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