Touted as being a play about modern motherhood, I wasn't quite sure I was keen to go see Unexpecting, on now from Zee Zee Theatre. As someone who is not a parent, let alone a mother, would I be able to relate to this show?
Turns out, the plot revolves around that time in your life when you're about to make big life-changing decisions such as, "Should I take a risk and follow my dreams or go for stability?" Now that I could relate to!
We are introduced to a lesbian couple who are in the midst of a pending adoption. One woman is up for a big life altering job promotion, while her wife is torn between being a successful sellout commercial artist and staying true to her artistic visions. Throw in a young pregnant lawyer who is uncertain about whether or not to give up her child for adoption, and a scene-stealing best friend (played by Melissa Oei), and you have a recipe for some good old fashioned lesbian drama with top notes of slapstick comedy!