Wednesday 21 September 2022


 Well, eat your heart out, Cirque du Soleil. Who needs ya anyway! Especially when we've got something as organic and hilarious and genuine as ANIMAL, now on at the Vancouver Playhouse thanks to the CULTCH and the Vancouver International Children's Festival. 

This show was mesmerizing and joyful and also slightly terrifying, because these folks are flying without a net, balancing all over the place on top of one another and soaring through the air. There is also a lot of humour and heart in this performance, and is definitely suitable for all ages. 

photo by Rolline-Laporte

Aside from the mind-blowing stunts, the entire show is soundtracked by a live band - including the circus performers themselves, who sing, play instruments, and even yodel! 

photo by Benoit Z Leroux

Created by Cirque Alfonse, this Quebec-based troupe is gracing our city with their presence only until September 24th, so get your tickets immediately and do not miss out on this thrilling and fun night out! 

photo by Rolline-Laporte

ANIMAL had us laughing and gasping at the same time. I cannot recommend it enough!!!